To promote for the public benefit the study and knowledge of agricultural science and the application of modern scientific techniques to agriculture and husbandry in all their branches, including the breeding, feeding and management of livestock and poultry, horticulture and silviculture; and so far as may be lawful for a body incorporated for charitable purposes only, and incidentally to the forgoing objects, to do all or any of the following things:
- to engage in and conduct agricultural research, and for that purpose to plan and carry out experiments and trials for the investigation and solution of farming problems and for the adaptation of the results of scientific research generally to the needs and practice of agriculture
- to disseminate knowledge of agricultural science by providing facilities for inspection and study of the research activities by its members and others; by issuing publications; by promoting, subsidising and assisting the giving of lectures, contributions to scientific and other publications
- to train agricultural students and provide access to training for farmers, researchers and advisors to the agricultural industry.