
NIAB has over 400 staff, with over 150 working at Cambridge, 80 at East Malling and the remainder based at its regional centres.

The main staffing business units are:

  • NIAB Cambridge Crop Research - agricultural genetics and breeding, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, field crop research, plant pathology and crop characterisation teams
  • NIAB Agronomy - including NIAB TAG, TAG Consulting Ltd and other farmer membership services, farming systems and agronomy research across all arable, root and field vegetable crops, analytical services such as NIAB LabTest, ARTIS and NIAB training services, NIAB Innovation Farm, Eastern AgriTech Innovation Hub, farm and regional trials and ornamental and glasshouse services
  • NIAB East Malling - horticultural genetics, genomics and breeding, crop science and production systems and pest and pathogen ecology departments, plus Malling Fruits, analytical services based at East Malling and the Growing Kent & Medway initiative
  • NIAB Ventures - creating and managing new commercial ventures, plus BCPC, digital services, Meeting of Minds programme for agritech SMEs and NIAB’s agritech incubator hub, Barn4
  • Corporate - for staff covering business services including HR, facilities, IT, finance and communications

NIAB's chief executive Professor Mario Caccamo oversees the Executive Team.

NIAB has a Board of Directors, who are the trustees of the charity and administer the company. The Arable Group Ltd also has a Board of Directors and the National Institute of Agricultural Botany Trust is administered by a Board of Trustees.