BCPC/Farmers Club Technical Seminar
10:30 - 15:20, 12 May 2022
The Farmers Club, London
Face to face event
Booking is essential and numbers are limited, on a first come, first served basis
Event Booking Information
Food production; foreign trade and flightpaths for chiffchaffs…
The demand for affordable food is no different today than it was in the period leading up to the Repeal of the Corn Laws more than 174 years ago. But for UK farmers the dynamics, economics and environmental pressures of producing it are vastly different.
And following our departure from the European Union, the challenges facing UK agriculture have multiplied with the significance of increasingly dynamic global trade and the temptation to encourage cheaper produce from abroad in an effort to help curb inflation.
Meanwhile, those involved in the industry are coming to terms with the implications of a new Agriculture Act and Environment Act.
Together those will change the direction of UK farming from progressive intensification, seen over the past 50 years, to one based on sustainability with any support aligned to the provision of public goods focussed on environmental concerns, not least of which is climate change.
The fact remains: profitable UK farming and the countryside it protects are inextricably linked. It is not possible to have one of those components dominating the other. So, given the important changes taking place, this technical seminar, the fifth in a series to be organised by The Farmers Club and the British Crop Production Council, will outline the challenges which lie ahead and, just as important, consider the opportunities for UK agriculture to remain profitable and competitive in a global world of food production.
Delegate numbers are restricted and consequently registration will be dealt with on a first come, first served basis.
Because this is a unique joint event with BCPC and the Farmers Club, you will be unable to book online through the Club website. To book places please contact Emily, the Interim Club Events Manager, at administrator [at] thefarmersclub.com (subject: BCPC%2FFarmers%20Technical%20Seminar%2012%20May%202022) or by telephone on 0207 930 3751.
10:30 Registration and coffee
11:00 Charman’s introduction. Stephen Howe, BCPC Advisory Board
11:10 Paper 1: What does the future hold for UK food production? Does food security and continuity of supply driven by a profitable
UK farming industry remain a priority in government’s view or is it just seen by most politicians as nice to have if the Treasury
can afford it? Allan Wilkinson, Head of Agrifoods, HSBC Bank
11:45 Paper 2: Our route to Profitable farming and protecting the countryside. Meurig Raymond, Pembrokeshire farmer, Vice-Chairman
of the Farmers Club and former NFU President
12.30 Lunch
13:30 Paper 3: The prospects for home-grown production against the background of increasing dynamic global trade. John Giles,
Divisional Director Agri Food, Promar International
14:05 Paper 4: Dealing with changes in land use while protecting the future profitability of your farming business. The impact of the
2020 Agriculture Act on future trade and profitability, for professional farm businesses and the decisions to be made to maintain
viability. George Badger, Partner, Ceres Rural
14:40 Paper 5: The UK grain trade – underlying arable profitability. An update on global supply and demand, the implications for buyers
and sellers and the prospect for UK producers in the post Brexit era. Cecilia Pryce, Head of Compliance, Shipping and Research,
15:10 Discussion
15:20 Tea